‘Happy Thatcher’s Dead Day’: Twitter Remembers the Iron Lady

by Novara Reporters

8 April 2015

Today marks the second anniversary of the day many people got a notification or a text from a loved one with the news, before rushing over to isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk to verify the rumours: “YES,” proclaimed the site. “Margaret Thatcher is dead. This lady’s not returning.”


Cue parties in London, Glasgow and Liverpool, and a bonfire procession in South Yorkshire as working class people paid their respects to the person behind the privatisation of industry, the decimation of mining communities and the Battle of Orgreave. Today, Twitter has been remembering the day and sharing their thoughts.

Many people hadn’t realised what day it is.

And some seemed even further behind on the news.

The mood on Twitter has been fairly sombre.

Many have been thinking back to when they heard the news.

Which apparently made for a good day on social media.

Some reminded people to remember Thatcher’s real legacy.

While others reflected on the commemorations.

And some took a moment to look to the future.

Which is pretty cool.

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