Microdose: Aliens on Screen


Last time on ACFM, the gang explored the impact of UFOs on politics, from deep-state conspiracies to the Posadists.

But to really understand how aliens influence our thought – and what our belief in E.T. says about ourselves – we can look to the movies.

In this Microdose, Keir, Jem and Nadia sweep through a century of aliens on screen, from Martian invaders to Mulder and Scully to talking heptapods.

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Films, TV & Books: H. G. Wells – The War of the Worlds / The Day the Earth Stood Still / Invasion of the Body Snatchers / Quatermass / The Midwich Cuckoos / The Blob / Solaris / Close Encounters of the Third Kind / Alien / The Thing / E.T. / They Live / The X-Files / Men in Black / The Host / Godzilla / Cloverfield / District 9 / Sector Zero / The Expanse / Arrival / Nope

Produced by Matt Huxley.

Photo: Moviestore Collection Ltd / Alamy

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