Interview: “We’re Not Going to Be Able to Achieve Socialism in One Government” | Aaron Meets Leo Panitch
At The World transformed 2018 Aaron Bastani sat down with Leo Panitch, editor of the Socialist Register and distinguished research professor at York University. They talked socialism, party democracy, mandatory reselections and more.
Fast Food Shutdown!
Callum Cant on why it’s all kicking off everywhere (for fast food workers).
Novara FM: McStrike and Unions in the Precarious Economy
The Tories Are Facing Oblivion
Aaron Bastani
The Lockdown: The Lockdown: Gangs and Violence: What’s Going On?
Hosts Oonagh Ryder and Sam Swann speak to Patrick Williams, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University, about the media and government focus on ‘gangs’, how this relates to the reality of violence and the impact this has on black and minority ethnic communities in Britain.
‘We’ve reached a tipping point’: Why Fast Food Workers Are Going on Strike
Joe Hayns
Interview: “They’re Using Fear and Hatred of Immigrants” | Eleanor Penny Meets Nelini Stamp
At The World Transformed 2018, Eleanor Penny met National Organising Director at the Working Families Party Nelini Stamp. They discussed white supremacy, working class organisation strategies, the future and hope.
Novara Live: Tory Conference, WTF?
With empty seats, and few big ideas. Michael, James and Aaron discuss what the Tories can salvage from Birmingham.