Keir Starmer Had a Photo-Op at the Telegraph As Part of His Rightwing Media Tour
‘He came in and met people while a photographer flitted around taking snaps.’
by Simon Childs
24 November 2022

It’s been quite the week for Labour leader Keir Starmer. Last Friday he reassured the Times that the Corbyn manifesto is “history”. On Tuesday he attended an award ceremony hosted by the Sun. On Wednesday night he accepted a “politician of the year” award from the Spectator magazine.
And on Thursday morning, Starmer was spotted in the offices of the Telegraph in Victoria for a photo op. A Telegraph insider told Novara Media that the Labour leader “came into my office, shook all the senior editors hands, took some photos, then left. He was in the newsroom maybe 10 minutes total.”
“He came in and met people while a photographer flitted around taking snaps. There was a photographer snapping away the whole time.”
It’s unclear where his gladhanding tour will take him next, but his recent pronouncements seem to be getting all the right people on side.
Liam Halligan, GB News presenter who used to work for the IMF, told the Telegraph’s “Planet Normal” podcast today that Starmer is “talking the talk in immigration and Brexit” and “towing a very careful line when it comes to supporting or not supporting the RMT during these strikes.”
“From what we hear privately […] from a lot of pretty senior Tories, it sounds to me as if quite a lot of them would be pretty pleased if Labour did win the next election,” he said.
Meanwhile Allister Heath, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph who almost puked with excitement at Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini budget (“the best budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver, by a massive margin”), writes: “Sir Keir Starmer is no Blair, but in the current climate the opposition doesn’t need an uber-charismatic superstar at its helm to triumph.” High praise indeed.
Simon Childs is a commissioning editor and reporter for Novara Media.