Tag: spain
International: Spain’s Coming Election Will Determine the Next Phase of Its Constitutional Crisis
Javier Moreno Zacarés
It’s Been Four Months Since Spain Had a Government
Tommy Greene
Spanish General Election: Another Turning Point in the Country’s Constitutional Crisis
Javier Moreno Zacarés
Spanish General Election: Another Step Forward for the Far Right?
Pablo Castaño
As the Far Right Comes for Feminism, Women in Spain Have Gone on Strike
Tommy Greene and Eoghan Gilmartin
Catalonia: As Independence Leaders Stand Trial, Is Spain Heading Towards Constitutional Crisis?
Tommy Greene, Eoghan Gilmartin
Undermining Democracy, Not Defending It: The ‘Integrity Initiative’ is Everything That’s Wrong With British Foreign Policy
Aaron Bastani
We Paid Attention to Catalonia’s Independence Bid. Why Are We Ignoring the Crisis in Cameroon?
Ayo Awokoya
Catalan Election: A Blow for Both Rajoy and Independence Movement?
Pablo Castaño
Novara Docs: The Bitter Fruit of Andalucia
Visible from space, the vast concentration of plastic greenhouses in Almeria supply more than half of Europe’s fruit and vegetables. An economic boom in this previously poor region of Andalucia has come at the expense of the African migrants who work in these greenhouses, under slave-like conditions. Approximately 200 workers live there during peak season. […]