Novara Live: 2018: the Season Finale of Centrism
Was 2018 Centrism’s season finale? Will Macron survive the Gilets Jaunes’ movement? And is there anything liberals won’t blame on Russia or Facebook?
Latin Venues in Elephant and Castle Forced Out to Make Way for Redevelopment
Ed Gillett
Social Cleansing in Istanbul: Residents of Stigmatised Neighbourhood Fight to Stay in Their Homes
Paul Benjamin Osterlund
Brexit Chaos Shows Britain’s Institutions Are Broken. We Need New Ones
Aaron Bastani
5 Reasons We Should Abolish Oxbridge
Angus Satow
Novara Live: The Conservatives: No Future
May’s premiership is on the brink. We convene for an emergency podcast to breakdown the results of her “no-confidence” vote, and assess whether the Tories can keep clinging to power.
Sacked at Christmas: Uber Eats Fires Workers for Objecting to Pay Cut
Callum Cant
Britain’s War in Yemen Can Be Stopped, but the Left Needs to Raise Its Game
David Wearing
Undermining Democracy, Not Defending It: The ‘Integrity Initiative’ is Everything That’s Wrong With British Foreign Policy
Aaron Bastani
Novara Live: The Mason Plan With Paul Mason and Ash Sarkar
After a day of unprecedented chaos and a government on the brink of collapse, Paul Mason has stormed the building and he has a plan.