Tag: wealth

Feature: Spies, Surveillance and a ‘State Within the State’: How France’s Richest Man Built His Luxury Empire
Olly Haynes

Report: Just How Rich Are the Tory Leadership Candidates?
Novara Reporters

Explainers: The Establishment’s Plan to Deal With Inflation
As inflation rises the establishment has a solution: we all need to get poorer. The alternative is for profits to fall – but that is unacceptable to the powerful. Aaron Bastani on how only unions can save us.

Opinion: NFTs Are Just the Latest Example of Rich People Loving Ugly Shit
Rachel Connolly

Opinion: Why Do Rich and Powerful People Become Abusers? Because They Can
Joana Ramiro
Upon Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction, many pundits aired their shock and disbelief that a well-known ‘socialite’ had ever become involved in the sexual abuse of teenagers. This misses the point, argues Joana Ramiro: wealth and power is precisely what helps wealthy and powerful abusers abuse.

Opinion: Shoplifters of the World, Unite!
Seth Wheeler

Long Read: Money Can’t Free Britney – But a Strike Could
Eleanor Penny

Opinion: Inequality Is Worse Than We Were Told, and Our Tax System Has Been Covering It Up
Grace Blakeley

Opinion: Matt Hancock Thinks Footballers Should Be Paid Less Because They’re Working Class
Jessy Parker Humphreys

The Bastani Factor: Billionaires Control the Media
Billionaires control the media, and it’s undermining our democracy. The broadcast media amplify the right-wing print media meaning the political agenda is always set by, you guessed it, billionaires.

The Bastani Factor: A Crisis of the Imagination | Aaron Meets Rutger Bregman
“Taxes” was the word on everyone’s lips after the annual Davos conference this year. The man who had dared utter it amongst the financial elite was Rutger Bregman, a Dutch historian whose no nonsense savaging of the establishment brought him viral fame. His latest book ‘Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There’ argues […]