Tag: yarls wood

The Government Is Unlawfully Detaining Vulnerable People in Removal Centres During a Pandemic
Anna Highfield

Report: Hundreds of Detainees Have Been Released, but the Government Still Won’t Shut Detention Centres Down
Natalie Leal

No, Labour Hasn’t Always Been an Anti-Racist Party
Aaron Bastani

Hunger For Freedom: Campaigning Against Detention From Inside and Outside Yarl’s Wood
Irene Renny and Tom Kemp

Outsourcing Incarceration: Privitisation in Britain’s Immigration Detention Estate
Rudy Schulkind

With University Staff Forced to Act like Border Guards, Striking Lecturers Must Show Solidarity with Yarl’s Wood
Dan Davison

The Lockdown: The Lockdown: Justice in Films
Hosts Oonagh Ryder @Oonskie and Sam Swann @SamGSwann chat about how justice is portrayed in films with filmmaker and writer Joel Blackledge @TheGreatDamfino. They discuss the role of the prison in films and TV, which characters are deserving of our sympathy and how punishment is the backdrop to so much of our entertainment.

Solidarity With the Yarl’s Wood Hunger Strikers
Women in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre have now been on hunger strike for nearly two weeks. Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott expresses her solidarity with their fight for adequate healthcare provision, for improved legal access and an end to indefinite detention.

Yarl’s Wood Hunger Strike: 120 Detainees Refuse Food in Protest Against Home Office
Charlotte England

Surround Yarl’s Wood: We Must Keep On Demanding an End to Immigration Detention
Charlotte England

5 Ways to Help End Deportations and Stop Charter Flights
End Deportations

Long Read: Immigration Detention & Deportation: A View From Jamaica
Luke de Noronha